Portfolio Description


Communicate – with humor

Here Karen-Marie talks about communication that is the basis for job satisfaction, a good atmosphere, and a positive work culture. It is about choosing one's struggles and, with direct communication, creating a foundation of trust that provides good laughter and positive work culture.

With a positive work culture, new ideas that can improve everyday life are easier to access and when the work is done in an atmosphere where you have a smile, you can minimize the risk of stress becoming a stressor. Karen-Marie Lillelund is cheerful and critical of our way of communicating. She helps us to spot the fun and encouraging events of everyday life and to speed up the automatic communication and replace it with presence.

If you can see the fun in everyday life, then you can also become what with a slightly worn expression is referred to as "ready to change".

Let Karen-Marie Lillelund give you her bid on how to sharpen awareness of good communication and on top get as part of the deal - one thing is for sure: It won't be boring!

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