Karen-Marie Lillelund

I’m a lucky dog

Born into a family with good energy and a strong tradition for storytelling and lots of laughter. Not everybody is that fortunate and it was that realisation that kickstarted Karen-Maries speaker carrier more than 20 years ago.

Even though one is not raised with storytelling and humor it is never too late to learn.

The german philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote: “Heaven has given human beings three things to balance the odds of life: hope, sleep, and laughter”

Karen-Marie leaves sleeping patterns for people to take care of themselves but she set out to bring hope and laughter to as many as possible.


Karen-Marie Lillelund
Karen-Marie Lillelund
Karen-Marie Lillelund
Karen-Marie Lillelund

Karen-Marie is one of Denmarks most popular speakers.
With her love for both life and laughter and her ability to convey it to her audience, she has brought knowledge, inspiration and laughter to a countless number of employees in both Denmark and Europe.

Twice she has won the title of “Best speaker in Denmark” and in 2009 she was certified as “Cooporate speaker” from the Bill Gove Institute in USA.

Karen-Marie has written three books – all in danish and sadly not translated. ”Humor i ledelse” (Børsen), ”Humor på arbejde” (Gyldendal Business) og “Håndbog til et lattermildt liv” (Gyldendal Business)

Before her speaking career Karen-Marie worked as a musical performer and she also had thirteen succesful years as a cabaret singer in the worlds oldest variety pavilion “Bakkens Hvile” on Dyrehavsbakken.